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We edit your cosmetics and beauty product images

Cosmetics and beauty products are among the last strongholds of reflections, although this is declining. As a result, the typical look in this product category is no longer easily defined. However, some elements remain central: accurate color variants, clean and high-quality execution, an unwavering tendency towards flawlessness in implementation, and a "clinical" purity in concept.

An image of a girl placed on different backgrounds after getting clipped
An image of a girl placed on different backgrounds after getting clipped
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Clipping and background editing

The foundation a consistent online shop is uniform dimensions, optimal contrasting, alignment of all types of products and standardization of backgrounds. We provide complete flexibility for the desired outcomes and utilize experienced graphic designers along with specially trained AI tools to ensure speed and consistency.

Additionally, it is also possible to work with background mockups, like the one shown here, and combine them in various ways in terms of framing and placement.

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Retouching essentially covers all areas of image manipulation aimed at optimization, adjustment, supporting intended visual languages, and all relevant presentation factors. Classic go-to options include dirt and dust retouching, symmetry adjustments, wrinkle corrections, and skin tone corrections.

The trend, as seen here, clearly leans towards flawless naturalness, where features like shine, pores, moles, or freckles are retained in their rightful place. Naturally, there are no limits to the possibilities, but they typically find a balance between optimal product representation and minimal return rates.

An image of a girl placed on different backgrounds after getting clipped
Colour pin


Different photography setups, inconsistent light sources, and staggered production steps lead to color variations in the original image material.

Whether ensuring color consistency, recoloring a product image into different color options, or applying various color optimization techniques, Doopic offers a complete range of measures to ensure an optimal consumer experience and reduce returns.

The goal is to avoid extra efforts during image production, address issues cost-effectively in post-production, and save time and money without compromising quality.

The adjacent example is primarily driven into the recoloring process due to the nearly impossible task of perfectly reproducing its shape. Additionally, maintaining accurate color values in cosmetics is a crucial factor here.

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Size, positioning, and orientation

Even though we have automated large parts of the dimensioning and alignment of product and model images, we understand the importance of a second look. To consistently present product groups, highlight size relationships, and engage the viewer effectively, it is crucial to understand the product well and ask the right questions upfront - and we ask the right questions!

In the soap example shown, the decoration hinders seamless automated alignment, so the product must be manually adjusted.

A white pair of shoes centred on a white background
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Shadows and reflections

Shadows and reflections are integral to a compelling image composition. They anchor a product in space, give depth to a two-dimensional representation, and create the impression of something tangible. Whether designed on set or added afterward, only a realistic shadow can add value to the product. We create and maintain drop shadows, cast shadows, and various 2D reflections using smart techniques to ensure consistent and high-quality results.

This effect is especially useful for clinical products, such as cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene items, and similar products, as it helps convey attributes like cleanliness, purity, and high quality.

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Join over 10,000+ companies, who have optimised their image editing with Doopic

With a wealth of experience from countless use cases, we look forward to addressing your needs and assisting you in scaling your eCommerce product image editing.

A professional photographer standing in a studio enviroment